Browning Day
4. 12. 2019
A look behind the scenes.
When the ABL director asks. . .
We will always say, “Yes.”
In the fall of 2018, at the start of the semester, Jennifer Borderud, Director of the Armstrong Browning Library, asked me if I would be willing to speak about my dissertation project for Browning Day.
Browning Day is the annual celebration at the Armstrong Browning Library of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. It began as two separate celebrations and has, in more modern times, been combined into one day in honor of both poets.
In the past, scholars such as Dr. Sandra Donaldson (2012) and Dr. Kirstie Blair (2018) have presented. In 2020, Barbara Neri will present. But last year, in 2019, I spoke. And though I had thought for months on what direction to take, and rehearsed beforehand, on the day of I was, as Poe’s narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart says, “Nervous. Dreadfully nervous I had been” - and that is where the similarities between he and I end.
I could say that my nerves came from the unknown; I could say it came from the realization that the paper had put me on its front page that day; I could say it was because my mother was in the audience. But I know that it was because I did not want to disappoint. I will let you judge for yourselves.
The first video is the full length - all 66 minutes. The second is the shortened version that Marcos edited down to highlight what he and I and Sylvia and all those who choose to join us for a bit on our journey are hoping to create.
Cinematic Virtual Reality is in its infancy - it is, as our director, Gabe Lipton, noted on more than one occasion, where film was at the turn of the last century. We hope pioneer educational curriculum in such a way that those who experience our offerings learn not only about the subjects they enter and the technology they use, but also about themselves and the world they return to.
We are forever grateful to the Armstrong Browning Library — without which, we would still be wondering “What if.” - amg
The Whole Shebang
Celebrating elizabeth barrett browning through cinematic virtual reality - 4.12.19
celebrating EBB through CVR - highlights - 4.12.19
Ba’s favorite portrait of herself.
Miniatures of Ba & Robert resting on Ba’s childhood desk.